Monday, December 26, 2011

And the Food Processor Winner is…

A fellow Reece’s Rainbow Warrior and very deserving sweetheart! Justine Hood Foster Smile.  I am very excited that she is our winner.

food processor winner

So please ma’am contact me through Facebook and let me know your color preferences and mailing address!

Kelly and I want to thank every one of our readers and nonreaders who opened their hearts and wallets to help out the least of these.  We are truly grateful.  We know that it won’t be long before the money that you gave will help Kai’s family bring him home.

Thank you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Basic Spinach Puree

When Little Joy was around 12 months, I started looking for anything and everything I could make that was iron rich.  Since she was not formula fed, by the time she was 12 months her iron levels were slightly low.  Spinach was a obvious solution, but as I read about spinach I had no idea it was not only iron rich but also calcium and vitamin A rich too!  Basic Spinach Puree is super easy!!!

NITRATE WARNING:  Homemade spinach should be used in moderation before the 8 months of age.  And DO NOT USE ANY WATER used in cooking the spinach to thin your puree.

  • Spinach (washed, long stems removed and damaged leaves removed)
Steps using a steamer:
  1. Place spinach in steamer
  2. Steam for 15 minutes
  3. Allow to cool slightly
  4. Remove from steamer and place in pureeing device
  5. Puree to desired consistency adding fresh water or breast milk to thin as needed
  6. Serve warm
  7. Freeze using cube method or refrigerate  
Steps without a steamer:
  1. Steam in a pot with a steamer basket insert (water should just peek through the holes of the basket).
  2. Leaves will shrink and appear wilted when done.
  3. Remove from pot and place in pureeing device
  4. Puree to desired consistency adding fresh water or breast milk to thin as needed
  5. Serve warm
  6. Freeze using cube method or refrigerate  
Storage:  Using freezer cube method 1-2 months; refrigerator 2-3 days

Timing:  8 months

Difficulty:  1 out of 5

Epicutie Rating:  Little Joy never had plain spinach puree, but when Epicutie Asher tries it, we will review it!!

Green Eggs

Little Joy LOVES Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs and Ham" so when I noticed Jessica Seinfeld had a recipe for green eggs I knew we must try it.  The recipe that follows is inspired by the recipe and book!

  • Olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 oz spinach puree
  • 1/8-1/4 cup milk
  • Grated Parmesan 
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Heat olive oil in small skillet on medium-low
  2. Meanwhile, beat eggs, spinach, milk and salt and pepper (to taste) in a small bowl.  Use as much milk as you need to make the eggs as fluffy (or not) as you want; this is a matter of preference.
  3. Pour egg mixture in hot skillet.
  4. Scramble eggs until cooked through
  5. Remove from heat and sprinkle with desired amount of Parmesan cheese
  6. Serve warm with toast
Yield:  This made enough for myself and Little Joy

Storage:  I do not recommend keeping this as a leftover.

Difficulty: 1 out of 5; super easy if the spinach puree is made ahead.  This is about a 5-10 minute breakfast!

Miscellaneous:  Fun activity idea---read Green Eggs and Ham while you enjoy your very own GREEN EGGS!

Epicutie Rating:  Yummy In the Tummy---see right side of page for descriptions
Little Joy LOVED this the first time she had it, but the second go round it was just "ok".  She tends to have a love/hate relationship with eggs.  She eats them, but really just wants the toast that always comes with it.

Also, don’t forget about our fundraiser for Kai!  For a donation of ANY AMOUNT (even $1), you can be entered to win a 13 cup Kitchen Aid Processor!  For details, click here: