Friday, January 14, 2011

Finger Food Thoughts

Little Joy has started into finger foods quite a bit now so as you (and I) venture into the marvelous world of finger foods, a few thoughts:
  • Remember, self feeding is FUN so your baby may baulk at purees after sampling many tasty finger food treats. I would recommend that you offer finger foods as a snack or towards the end of the meal. I *think* most babies should get the majority of the calories from breastmilk/formula and purees up until close to a year sometimes a bit later. Due to their lack of efficiency, they just will not self feed themselves enough calories. I do however offer finger foods before her main meal IF I am not sure she will like the finger food---in other words I need her good and hungry to give it the true test!
  • It is messy! I am such a clean person so this is sometimes hard for me!
  • Watch them carefully, anything can choke them up!
  • Experiment with lots of different foods as finger foods. As you make purees consider saving some aside for a finger food. For example, take the Butternut Squash post we have and cut some dices of squash before pureeing.
  • Store small amounts of finger foods in small zip lock bags and the freeze them. Then, when you need some you can grab, heat (if applicable) and go!!!
  • Sometimes they will just get tired of self feeding because it can be tedious and frustrating for them. Do not be alarmed if your Little One seems to digress a bit; I think they all get lazy about finger foods at some point.
  • Here is a FABULOUS resource on finger foods; click HERE!
Some of our finger food favorites so far:
  • Cherrios
  • Shredded and/or diced soft cheeses (Monterey Jack, cheddar, mozzarella)
  • Grapes (washed, peeled, and cut into 1/4 or 1/2)
  • Steamed baby carrots
  • Diced baked butternut squash
  • Sweet Potato "Fries"
  • Spaghetti
  • Gerber Puffs
  • Gerber Wagon Wheels
  • Graham Crackers
I cannot wait to try some new things soon!!! This is such an exciting time because finger foods means independence and nothing makes me more proud than watching Little Joy gain her independence!!

1 comment:

  1. I am just beginning to be adventurous enough to start some finger foods and this post is SUPER helpful. Thank you for sharing your experience!

