Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Leftover Legume Loaf

Not going to lie, reading this receipe from "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron I thought "ew". Then I reminded myself, that there are many foods I like and others hate and vice versa, so I decided to give it a whirl especially considering it is a nutrition packed lil loaf! Leftover lentils in my fridge from the last time I made Bananas and Lentils compelled me to make this as well!

As I have mentioned in several previous posts, lentils are a fabulous source of fiber, protein, iron and many other nutrients. Check out wholesomebabyfood.coms nutritional information on legumes/lentils/beans.

This was the first time I have prepared anything for Little Joy with Wheat Germ and I was excited a) to finally find it in my grocery store and b) to finally get to use some!!! Wheat Germ is fabulously is a great source of iron, folic acid, protein and more. Again I encourage you to Check out wholesomebabyfood.coms nutritional information on Wheat Germ and Wheat and Baby Food.

Allergy Alert: Wheat is a common allergen so be careful as you introduce anything containing wheat. Some publications recommend waiting to introduce wheat until 12 months, others 8-9 months and even others...earlier. As always, when in doubt always consult with your pediatrician.

  • 1 cup cooked legumes/lentils (I used red lentils; for information on cooking lentils check out this "How-To" cook lentils site)
  • 1 cup wheat germ, ground nuts or whole grain bread crumbs (I used wheat germ)
  • 1 cup liquid such as milk, soy milk or tomato juice with no salt (I used milk, I may try tomato juice next time I make this)
  • Seasonings: parsley, powdered or minced garlic, onions and other seasonings (I used two dashes garlic powder, about 2 tablespoons diced onion, dash of basil, tiny bit of thyme....basically I made it up as I went along)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Mix all ingredients throughly
  3. Place mixture into a loaf pan (I greased mine with a tiny bit of olive oil)
  4. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until firm
  5. Serve warm as finger food
Yield: One loaf; see photos

Storage: Refrigerated for 3-5 days and frozen for up to 1-2 months. Let me remind you, this is not scientific--just how I plan to store my "supply"/

Difficulty: 2 out of 5, this is super fast and easy especially if you are using left over cooked lentils from another recipe.

Epicutie Rating: Yummy in the Tummy--See right side of page for descriptions
I was shocked but Little Joy LOVED this nutrient packed Goes to show I should not underestimate her "sophisticated pallet" (as my mother calls it). I hope she continues to like it, this will be a go to for me since I always have left over lentils!

Step 3: Place Mixture in pan

After baking

First bite...I just knew she would not like it...

Washing it down...

But going back for more....This epicutie loved it!

1 comment:

  1. So I made this with tomato sauce and milled flax seed! It was so dry. Little Frances did her best, she tried twice to swallow it and she gagged both times :). I gave her a pass, but I do want to try it with different ingredients.
