Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kale Chips

 This recipe is so fun! And its cheap, quick and easy.  I spent approximately 98 cents on this huge bunch of kale. These are a pretty tasty way to get some green into your kids, and are a great replacement for potato chips.
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • olive oil to taste (I used a generous 2 tablespoons)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a little bit goes a long way but add more to taste
  1. Separate leaves from the thick kale stems and break into small pieces. I saved the stems for our compost pile (more on that later!).IMG_0023
  2. Pour tablespoon of olive oil over kale and toss to coat.  Add oil 1 teaspoon at a time until you feel that it is properly coated. Sprinkle with salt to taste. IMG_0025
  3. Spread leaves on a baking sheet.  You can line it with wax paper if you want to.IMG_0027
  4. Bake at 350oF for 10 minutes.  Remove baking sheet and flip kale.  Bake for an additional 10-12 minutes until leaves are crispy.IMG_0029
  5. Serve and eat right away!
Timing: 1 year, if crispy, 18 months if they are not 100% crispy.  It might require more teeth and more chewing!
Difficulty: 1 out of 5, super easy, super quick!
Epicutie Rating (see left side of page for rating descriptions):

  • Little Frances is not so sure she likes it… yet! Little Frances initially seemed very into these, especially when I told her they were chips, however I think that I over salted them.  Next time I am going to try them with less salt and maybe a few other seasonings. I think that they would be fun with a little bit of parmesan cheese too!  I thought that they were pretty tasty myself… I am going to work on a salt and vinegar version, yum yum.
  • Little Joy:  Yummy in the Tummy; she asked for a pile of them
  • Little Asher: Confused; he tried very hard to like it but after four bites, he was done.  If at first you do not succeed, try again!

What flavors do you think would make for tasty kale chips?


  1. All 4 kids are getting so big and sooooo cute. I've been wanting to try Kale chips, thanks for the tips, mom.

  2. Garlic maybe? I have been wanting to make some of these for a while. It was on my grocery list last week but they were out of stock of kale. Random.
